Saturday 31 December 2011


     The media product we are making is a music video. The song we are using is Alicia Keys – Doesn’t Mean Anything as we feel the idea for our music video was suitable to the props and locations we had available. The idea we chose for our music video is about a girl starting a new school. The video takes you through her journey throughout the first school day. Scenes include her walking into school and facing bullying difficulties and eventually making a new friend.
3    The roles we assigned in our group were:
-       Henry – Direction and video organiser – Henry has good organisation skills and creative idea’s for shots in the music video. He also has experience working with camera’s.
-       Rachel – Actor and second planner – Rachel takes part in after school drama classes so her acting skills are the best in the group. She also is organised and is good at English and writing.
-       Jess – 2nd Actor and writing planner – Jess has strong English writing skills and is good at communicating so an acting role was ideal for her.
     The equipment we used/booked were:

-       Camera and tripod for filming
-       Film tape to record and save the footage on
-       iMacs for planning and video editing
-       Rooms for the filming locations
-       Actors for the characters in the music video

5.     We don’t need any materials for this production as all of our props/locations are available to us around school which is where we are based.
6.     The locations we are using are all around the school e.g. classrooms, corridors, the playground , PE Department and the school hall.
7.     We are planning the video until September time making sure all of the written tasks are completed and we know what we are doing. We will then be shooting the video up until October time making sure we collect all of the shots we need for editing the video together. Finally, we will edit the video throughout October so the Unit is completed by the end of 2012.

Friday 30 December 2011

Song for our music video
Alicia Keys - Doesn't Mean Anything